Why Should You Support PETA?

Think of the word vegetarian. What do you see? You might just see: not eating meat. Being a vegetarian is so much more than that. It means having absolute dedication and being happy saying “No bacon bits on the baked potato, please. I’m a vegetarian.” When you’re a vegetarian, you save one hundred animals a year. PETA is like every vegetarians’ favorite company and organization. Actually, because of PETA I became a vegetarian. I was once on Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue, browsing through the site, and by accident, clicked on to a Youtube video, which showed horses being slaughtered. I was only six at the time, and after this life-changing video I became a vegetarian. Other videos, by PETA, showed slaughterhouses and animals, which also inspired me to become a vegetarian. I spent an hour browsing through PETA’s Channel.

Many famous people are vegetarians, like Ellen DeGeners, Pamela Anderson, and Anne Hathaway. Animals don’t have voices, it’s your job to speak up for them. PETA was founded by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco. Animal activists who work for PETA go on protests, where sometimes they even get arrested, but for a cause that they believe in, they also go on undercover investigations to cruel circuses, animal-trapping zoos, and factory farms, just to name a few.

April 14, 2012. Tags: , , , , . General, Uncategorized. Leave a comment.